Wednesday 15 April 2015

Youth Councils 2015

On Sunday 22nd March, over 65 young people plus leaders gathered at The Thetford Academy for Youth Councils 2015. Many corps were represented and a large number of the young people were attending for the first time.

Many corps groups had created ‘This is My Salvation Army’ videos, which were a highlight of the day. Each video was made by young people in the corps and reflected the character of the group. The Anglia Youth Band and Anglia Youth Chorus also took part in the worship as well as creating their own videos.

During the afternoon, there were a number of activities to choose from. In Sports & Games, teams competed in challenges such as ‘Toss the Whellie’ and creating their own ‘Haka’ chant. Owls were created from old loo rolls in Arts and Crafts, and some of the youth chilled out and asked questions in the Chill Out Zone. Some members of the Youth Band gave a spontaneous march around the building, playing favourite hymn tunes and even some unseasonal carols!

Dave Cotterill from ALOVE was our speaker for the day, and he explored Micah 6:8 – challenging the young people to live lives of humility, mercy and walking with God. In the afternoon he encouraged them by showing the many supports they have to living their life this way.


  1. Can the videos be published or are there Safe and Sound or copyright issues?

  2. I'll need to check with the creators. Hoping to publish them at some point.
